General terms & conditions
General terms & conditions
Select the products you wish to order from our site. The ordering procedure is as follows.
- Ordering: search for the product you like to buy, select the quantity, and click on “order”.
- Your shopping cart contains a list of the selected products and prices. Click on ‘Your details’ in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to enter your address. As an existing customer, you may also log in to quickly retrieve your details.
- Check your details. Then click on ‘Your payment method’. Select the required payment method.
- Click on ‘Check details’ for information on your order, the delivery address and payment details. Click on ‘Finish’ to confirm. This completes the ordering process.
- For financial settlement, we make use of online payment services. This is to guarantee the safe and adequate payment for your order.
We will proceed with the shipment of goods as soon as payment has been received. Our carrier will ship the goods within one working day. Once the carrier has processed the shipment, you will receive an e-mail confirming the order.
Return and Refund Policy
We aim for full customer satisfaction for shoppers at CARMA Cosmetics. In the unlikely event that a product fails to meet your expectations, that anything went wrong with delivery or that you wish to make a complaint, please contact us without delay our website. We will be pleased to help and are always prepared to fix any problem as soon as possible!
Any returns must be made within 8 days after the goods have been delivered. Please contact our customer service department via our online ticketing system before returning the goods. The follow-up procedure for returned goods will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and we will assist every customer accordingly.
Products on offer and pricing:
Products on offer are valid until the goods are sold out. Prices quoted in the web shop are inclusive of VAT and exclude freight.